Manual Withdraw

If you can't open our site, you can withdraw your staking lp or token manually with harvesting on BscScan. Here you can see the step by step tutorial

1) Go to Contract Address

2) Go to point 9. PoolInfo. Type PoolID number of you token and click "Query"

3) Click on LP Token address

4) Click on Token Tracker (Pancake LP) button

5) Check the list and find you LP. Do double check.

6) Go to Contract Address again.

7) Go to point 13, UserInfo. Type your PoolID and your wallet address and click the "Query". You will get the initial investment amount of your LP or token. Copy the amount.

8) Go to 9) Connect to Web3 10) Go to 12. Withdraw and put Pool ID and your amount. Click "Write" and confirm from MetaMask. That's all!

Last updated